International Socialist Federation For Sport and Physical Education

International Socialist Federation For Sport and Physical Education , Internationaler Sozialistischer Verband Für Arbeitersport und Korperkultur, Union Internationale Socialiste pour l'Éducation Physique et le Sport ouvrier, Socialistická Tělovýchovna Internatiocanála, Socialist Labour Sport International
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Founded: 1913
Sources: HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938


Committee of delegates from each of the original federations. Executive Committee consists of an international bureau for administrative questions and international technical committee for educational questions. (HB 1929) Les travaux administratifs sont assurés par le Comité de l'Internationale, dont les membres sont : Il existe plusieurs comités : le Comité technique, le Comité éducatif, le Comité des femmes. Ces comités comprennent différentes sections. (HB 1936) The administrative work is directed by the Committee of the International consisting of the following members: There are several Committees: the Technical Committee, the Educative Committee, the Women's Committee, the Samaritan Committee. These Committees comprise different sections.
  • G. Bridoux Executive Committee 1929-1938
  • K. Buhren Executive Committee 1929-1938
  • Dr. Julius Deutsch President 1929 / Executive Committee 1929-1938 : Austria
  • J. Devlieger Member of a Committee 1929 / Under-Secretary for the Countries of Romance Languages (Secretary) 1929 / Adjoint Secretary (Secretary) 1929-1938 : Vice-Secretary for Latin-speaking Members
  • C. Gellert Executive Committee 1929-1938
  • A. Guillevic Executive Committee 1929-1938
  • A. E. Heiskanen Under-Secretary for the Nothern and Baltic Countries (Secretary) 1938
  • A. Jarolimek President 1938 : President of the Educative Committee
  • B. Kalnin Adjoint Secretary (Secretary) 1929-1938 : Vice-Secretary for Baltic and Scandinavian States
  • G. Kolis President 1938 : President of the Samaritan Committee
  • R. Koppisch Executive Committee 1929-1938
  • J. V. Kostiainen Under-Secretary for the Nothern and Baltic Countries (Secretary) 1929-1938 / Executive Committee 1929-1938
  • H. Muller Member of a Committee 1938
  • M. Patočková President 1929-1938 : President of the Women's Committee.
  • M. Patofikova President 1938 : President of the Women's Committee.
  • Rudolf Silaba Secretary 1929
  • Fr. Simek Technical Director (Director) 1929 / President 1929 : President of the Technical Committee.
  • J. Steinemann Executive Committee 1929-1938
  • L. Vaverka President 1929-1938 : President of the Technical Committee.
  • Fr. Wildung Adjoint Secretary (Secretary) 1929-1938 : for German-speaking Members


Members in these countries

(1,584,810 members). Workers' Sports Federations in the following countries: Total membership 380,000. (HB 1938)
Belgium (since 1929) , Czechoslovakia (since 1929) , Denmark (since 1929) , Estonia (since 1929) , Finland (since 1929) , France (1929-1938) , Germany (1929-1936) , Hungary (since 1929) , Kingdom of Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia (1929-1936) , Latvia (1929-1936) , Netherlands (since 1929) , Palestine (since 1929) , Poland (since 1929) , Romania (since 1929) , Switzerland (since 1929) , United Kingdom (since 1929) , United States of America (since 1929) , Yugoslavia (since 1936) ,



To promote gymnastics, sports, games, cycling, etc, amongst the workers, especially amongst the youth, with the aim of working for the peace of the world. (HB 1929) Encourager les sports, la gymnastique, les jeux, le cyclisme, etc., parmi les ouvriers et notamment parmi les jeunes gens, en vue de contribuer à la paix du monde. (HB 1936)


Members' subscriptions, donations, etc. (HB 1929) Cotisations, souscriptions, dons, etc. (HB 1936) Subscriptions, contributions, donations, etc. (HB 1938)

General facts

In 1925, the first International Workers' Olympiad was hell in Frankfort-on-Main, where fourteen nations were represented. (HB 1929) En 1925, première Olympiade internationale ouvrière à Francfort-sur-le-Mein et, en 1931, deuxième Olympiade ouvrière internationale à Vienne. (HB 1936) First International Workers' Olympiad at Frankfort-on-Maine 1925, and Second International Workers' Olympiad at Vienna in 1931. (HB 1938)


Bulletin in French, German and Esperanto (HB 1929) Bulletin hebdomadaire en français, en allemand et en espéranto. (HB 1936) Weekly Bulletin in French, German and Esperanto. (HB 1938)


Congresses have been held at Lucerne, Leipzig, Paris and Helsingfors, where the constitution, rules, etc., of the Federation were discussed. (HB 1929) Congrès tenus à Lucerne, Leipzig, Paris, Helsingfors, Prague, Liège, Karlovy Vary (Karlsbad), où ont été discutées des questions administratives, constitutionnelles, etc. (HB 1936) Congresses held at Lucerne, Leipzig, Paris, Helsinki, Prague, Liege, Karlovy Vary (Karlsbad) and Antwerp, at which constitutional and administrative questions, etc. were discussed. (HB 1938)