Permanent International Comittee for the Study of Industrial Accidents

Permanent International Comittee for the Study of Industrial Accidents, Internationales Permanentes Komitee für das Studium der Unfallmedizin, Comité Permanent International pour l'Étude de la Médecine des Accidents du Travail
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Founded: 1905
Sources: HB 1938



Members in these countries

Argentina , Australia , Austria , Belgium , Bulgaria , Czechoslovakia , Denmark , Finland , France , Germany , Hungary , Italy , Japan , Netherlands , Norway , Poland , Portugal , Romania , Spain , Sweden , Switzerland , Union of South Africa , Union of Soviet Socialist Republics , United Kingdom , United States of America ,



Organisation of international congresses. Execution of resolutions of those congresses. Creation of societies or national committees in countries where no such committees exist. Promotion of personal contact between its members.


No contributions are levied on members: participation fee: 1 Swiss franc per member per Congress.

General facts

The Committee was created in 1905 at Liege. At the outset its programme consisted of the study of the consequences of industrial diseases. In 1931, the Committee decided to limit its activities to the study of industrial accidents. International Congresses were held in Liege in 1905, Rome 1909, Düsseldorf 1912, Amsterdam 1925, Budapest 1928, Geneva 1931 and in Brussels in 1935.


Reports of the Congresses of 1905,1909,1912,1925,1928,1931,1935.
