International Conference on Young Social Workers

International Conference on Young Social Workers, Conférence Internationale des Jeunes Agents des Oeuvres Sociales
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Founded: 1926
Sources: HB 1929, HB 1936


HB 1929: International Committee HB 1936: Un Comité International (no officers mentioned)
  • Elisabeth Benzler Secretary 1929-1936 : Secretary and Chairman of the Second International Conference
  • Helen Morton Chairman and Founder (President) 1929-1936


Members in these countries

Members in the following countries:
Austria (1929-1936) , Belgium (1929-1936) , France (1929-1936) , Germany (1936-1936) , India (1929-1936) , Netherlands (1929-1936) , Switzerland (1929-1936) , United Kingdom (1929-1936) , United States of America (1929-1936) ,



HB 1929: Arrangements, of meetings to provide for young social workers an opportunity of exchanging experiences and ideas. HB 1936: Organiser des réunions, afin de fournir aux jeunes agents des œuvres sociales l'occasion d'échanger leurs expériences et leurs idées.


HB 1929: Private contributions of members ; quotas are fixed according to needs. HB 1936: Cotisations particulières des membres, dont le barème est fixé selon les besoins.


HB 1929: Meetings with round-table discussions on social affairs, welfare work settlement work, youth movement. The first Conference was held at Brussels in 1927, the second Conference at the Castle of Lauenstein (Oberfranken), Germany in 1928. The next meeting will take place in 1930 in Great Britain. HB 1936: Discussions de questions relatives aux affaires sociales, à la prévoyance sociale et aux centres sociaux (« settlements »), ainsi qu'aux mouvements de la jeunesse. La première conférence a eu lieu à Bruxelles en 1927, la deuxième au château de Lauenstein (Haute-Franconie), Allemagne, en 1928. La réunion suivante s'est tenue en 1930 dans le Royaume-Uni.
