International Bar Association

International Bar Association, Union Internationale des Avocats
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Founded: 1927
Sources: HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938


Provisional Committee. A Committee elected at every Congress. (HB 1938)


Members in these countries

Representatives of the national organisations of the following countries: (HB 1929)
Austria (since 1936) , Belgium (since 1929) , Bulgaria (since 1929) , China (since 1938) , Czechoslovakia (since 1929) , Egypt (since 1938) , France (since 1929) , Hungary (since 1929) , Italy (since 1938) , Kingdom of Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia (1929-1936) , Luxembourg (since 1929) , Netherlands (since 1929) , Poland (since 1929) , Romania (since 1929) , Switzerland (since 1929) , United States of America (since 1938) , Yugoslavia (since 1936) ,



To establish permanent relations and exchanges between members of the national Bar associations throughout the world ; to study questions relating to the organisation of the Courts of Justice and to contribute towards the establishment of international legal order. (HB 1929) Etablir des relations et échanges permanents entre les membres des Associations nationales d'avocats du monde entier; étudier toutes questions relatives à l'organisation judiciaire; contribuer à l'établissement d'un ordre juridique international. (HB 1936)


Annual subscriptions from each national association. (HB 1929) Cotisations annuelles de chaque association nationale. (HB 1936)


Lectures and meetings. The first Congress will be held in the near future. (HB 1929) Conférences et réunions. Le premier congrès a eu lieu à Bruxelles en 1929, et les suivants à Paris (1930), Luxembourg (1931), La Haye (1932), Dubrovnik (1933) et Bruxelles (1935). (HB 1936) Lectures and meetings. The first Congress was held in Brussels in. 1929 and the following in Paris (1930), Luxemburg (1931), The Hague (1932), Dubrovnik (1933), Brussels (1935) and Vienna (1936). (HB 1938)
