World Union of Jewish Students

World Union of Jewish Students, Union Universelle des Étudiants Juifs, Union Mondiale des Étudiants Juifs
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Founded: 6/5/1924
Sources: HB 1925, HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938


Comité exécutif composé de la direction centrale de Londres, et du secrétariat continental de Vienne. Executive Committee, composed of a headquarters in London and a continental secretariat in Vienna. Executive Committee, having its headquarters in London. (HB 1938)


Members in these countries

HB 1925/29: Organisations d'étudiants juifs des seize pays suivants/Jewish students' organisations in the following sixteen countries: HB 1936: Organisations d'étudiants juifs dans les dix-huit pays ci-après: Jewish students' organisations in the following eighteen countries: (HB 1938)
Austria (since 1925) , Belgium (since 1925) , Czechoslovakia (since 1925) , Dantzig (since 1925) , Estonia (since 1925) , Finland (since 1936) , France (since 1925) , Germany (1925-1936) , Great Britain and Ireland (1925-1936) , Hungary (since 1925) , Italy (since 1925) , Kingdom of Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia (1925-1936) , Latvia (since 1925) , Lithuania (since 1925) , Palestine (since 1936) , Poland (since 1925) , Romania (since 1925) , Union of South Africa (since 1925) , United Kingdom (since 1936) , United States of America (since 1936) , Yugoslavia (since 1936) ,



HB 1925: Sauvegarder les intérêts des étudiants juifs dans le domaine intellectuel, professionnel et économique. HB 1929: To defend the cultural, professional and economic interests of Jewish students. HB 1936: Défendre les intérêts culturels, professionnels et économiques des étudiants, juifs.


HB 1925: Cotisations des organisations affiliées, s'élevant à 3.000 dollars. Dépenses annuelles: 2.500 dollars. HB 1929: Subscriptions of affiliated organisations, amounting to $3,000. Annual expenditure $2,500. HB 1936: Cotisations d'organisations affiliées s'élevant à 2.000 dollars. Dépenses annuelles, 1.500 dollars. Subscriptions of affiliated organisations;, amounting to $2,000, Annual expenditure, $1,500. (HB 1938)


HB 1925: Organisation de conférences internationales (la première a eu lieu à Anvers en mai 1924); publication d'une revue; participation aux travaux de l'université hébraïque de Jérusalem; distribution de secours. HB 1929: Organisation of international conferences (the first took place at Antwerp in May 1924) ; publication of a periodical ; participation in the work of the Hebrew University at Jerusalem; distribution of relief. HB 1936: Organisation de conférences internationales (la première a eu Heu à Anvers, en mai 1924); publication d'un périodique; participation aux travaux de l'Université hébraïque de Jérusalem; distribution de secours.
