International Motor-Yachting Union

International Motor-Yachting Union, Union Internationale de Yachting Automobile
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Founded: 1922
Sources: HB 1925, HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938



Members in these countries

Argentina (since 1929) , Australia (since 1936) , Austria (since 1936) , Belgium (since 1925) , Canada (since 1936) , Finland (since 1936) , France (since 1925) , Germany (since 1925) , Hungary (since 1929) , Ireland (1925-1936) , Irish Free State (1929-1936) , Italy (since 1925) , Latvia (1929-1936) , Morocco (1925-1929) , Netherlands (since 1925) , Norway (since 1925) , Poland (since 1929) , Portugal (1936-1938) , Spain (since 1936) , Sweden (since 1925) , Switzerland (since 1938) , United Kingdom (since 1925) , United States of America (since 1929) ,


encourager le Yachting automobile internationale. To promote international motor-yachting. (HB 1929) Le développement et la réglementation de la navigation automobile. (HB 1936) The promotion and regulation of international motor yachting. (HB 1938)


droits payés par les autorités nationales. Dues paid by the national clubs. (HB 1929) Cotisation annuelle payée par les autorités nationales. (HB 1936) Annual subscriptions paid by the national authorities. (HB 1938)


L'Union a été constituée en 1923. Ses membres ont organisé des concours dans les pays suivants : Allemagne, Belgique, Royaume-Uni, Espagne, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, France, Hongrie, Italie, Pays-Bas, Suède. L'Union homologue les records de vitesse sur l'eau. Près de cent records ont été homologués au 31 mai 1935. Réunion annuelle à Bruxelles. (HB 1936) The Union was constituted in 1923. Its members have organised competitions in the following countries: Belgium, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, United States of America. The Union certifies motor yacht speed records. Nearly no records were certified up to December 31st, 1936. Annual assembly in Brussels. (HB 1938)
