International Office for the Protection of Nature
International Office for the Protection of Nature, Office International Pour la Protection de la Nature
Founded: 1928
HB 1931, HB 1936, HB 1938
A General Council
Members in these countries
Personal members in several countries.
Membres effectifs, comprenant délégués officiels nommés par leurs gouvernements respectifs sur proposition du Conseil général de l'association et personnalités élues en raison de leur compétence spéciale par le Conseil général.
Membres associés : Toutes personnes ou tous organismes intéressés à la protection nationale ou internationale de la faune, de la flore et des sites naturels.
(HB 1936)
Active members, comprising official delegates nominated by their respec-tive Governments on the proposal of the General Council of the Association, and persons elected on account of their special competence by the General Council.
Associate members: All persons or organisations interested in the national or inter-national protection of fauna, flora and natural sites.
(HB 1938)
(since 1931)
(since 1931)
(since 1931)
(since 1931)
(since 1931)
(since 1931)
(since 1931)
(since 1931)
United Kingdom
(since 1931)
United States of America
(since 1931)
To collect from all over the world documents, as correct and complete as possible, which directly or indirectly touched on the questions of the protection of nature. On behalf of public administrations, scientific societies and all who are interested, the Office tries to circulate, by means of publication, its most important texts and documents. The Office also contributes to the centralisation of work doen all over the world for the preservation of scenery and natural wealth.
(HB 1931)
Contribuer aux progrès de la protection de la nature dans le domaine international : 1° en centralisant, en classant, en publiant et en distribuant aux gouvernements, organismes et personnes intéressés à la protection de la nature, les documents, textes législatifs, études scientifiques, informations et renseignements de toute espèce concernant la protection de la nature et notamment la conservation de la faune, de la flore et des sites naturels dans leur état primitif; 2° en encourageant et en facilitant la coopération inter-
nationale entre les institutions et les personnes qui s'intéressent aux questions énumérées ci-dessus; 30 en entreprenant des études ou enquêtes techniques relevant du domaine de la protection de la nature; 40 en organisant la propagande pour la protection de la nature envisagée particulièrement au point de vue international; 50 en travaillant pour le but indiqué par tous autres moyens légaux.
(HB 1936)
To contribute to the progress of the protection of nature in the interna-tional sphere: (1) by centralising, classifying, publishing and distributing to Governments, organisations and persons interested in the protection of nature, documents, legislative texts, scientific studies and information of all kinds concerning the protection of nature and especially the conservation of fauna, flora and natural sites in their primitive state; (2) by encouraging and facilitating international co-operation between institutions and persons interested in the questions mentioned above; (3) by undertaking studies or techni-cal enquiries in connection with the protection of nature; (4) by organising propaganda for the protection of nature, particularly from the international point of view; (5) by working for the end in view by all other legal means.
(HB 1938)
The expenses have so far been assumed by individuals devoted to the cause and by affiliated associations.
(HB 1931)
Subventions officielles, subventions des institutions scientiques, cotisations de membres, vente de publications, etc.
(HB 1936)
General facts
L'idée d'une protection internationale de la nature, basée sur des principes scientifiques, a été émise lors d'une conférence tenue à Berne, en 1913, qui a réuni les représentants de dix-sept gouvernements. Un des principaux résultats de cette conférence devait être l'établissement d'un centre permanent de documentation et de propagande pour la protection internationale de la nature. La guerre a retardé la réalisation de ce projet. Après la guerre, le projet a été repris et en 1928, l'Office international pour la protection de la nature a été fondé; ses statuts définitifs ont été adoptés en 1934.
(HB 1936)
The idea of an international protection of nature, based on scien-tific principles, was put forward at a Conference held at Berne hi 1913, at which the repre-sentatives of seventeen Governments were present. One of the principal results of this conference was to have been the establishment of a permanent centre for documentation and propaganda in regard to the international protection of nature. The war delayed the realisation of this project. After the war, the project was again taken up, and the Interna-tional Office for the Protection of Nature was founded in 1928 ; its final statutes were adopted in 1934.
(HB 1938)
"The International Review of Legislation for the Protection of Nature" and in the near future an "International Review of Bibliography"
(HB 1931)
"Revue internationale de législation pour la protection de la nature". Fascicules déjà publiés sur le Congo belge, le Kénia, le Cameroun sous mandat français, l'Ouganda, le Ruanda-Urundi sous mandat belge. Synopsis des principales mesures législatives concernant la protection des oiseaux, Europe 1932 (1 volume).
(HB 1936)
Revue internationale de législation pour la protection de la nature. Fascicules already published on the Belgian Congo, Kenya, the Cameroons under French mandate, Uganda, Ruanda-Urundi under Belgian mandate and French Equato-rial Africa. Synopsis of the principal legislative measures concerning the protection of birds, Europe 1932 (1 volume).
(HB 1938)
A special Information Department was organised with the result that to-day the Office possesses a collection of archives which forms the most important documentation on these questions in the Old World. An Education Department is also forseen. The Office hsa already been able to furnish various colonial Governments with information allowing them to prepare new legislations concerning game laws, regulation for national parks, game reserves, etc.