International Federation of Surveyors

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Founded: 1926
Sources: HB 1931, HB 1936, HB 1938



Members in these countries

Membres : Associations nationales en Belgique, Royaume-Uni, Danemark, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, France, Italie, Lettonie, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Suède, Suisse, Tchécoslovaquie, Yougoslavie. (HB 1936) The national associations in Belgium, the United Kingdom, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, France, Italy, Latvia, the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, the United States of America, Yugoslavia. (HB 1938)
Belgium (since 1931) , Czechoslovakia (since 1931) , Denmark (since 1931) , France (since 1931) , Italy (since 1931) , Latvia (since 1931) , Netherlands (since 1931) , Poland (since 1931) , Romania (1931-1936) , Sweden (since 1931) , Switzerland , United Kingdom , United States of America (since 1936) , Yugoslavia ,



To group the association of surveyors in all the countries with a view to discussing in common professional interests;to organise the relations between the different corporative unions; to make the social condidtions of the professional men in every country known in order to enable each group in the different countries to adopt the improvements effected; to encourage and support the studies and investions which are ueseful to the surveyor; to encourage professional teaching in all its forms; to faciliate personal contact between colleagues of different countries. (HB: 1931) Grouper les associations nationales de géomètres de tous les pays pour s'entretenir en commun des intérêts généraux de la profession; organiser les rapports entre les diverses associations corporatives; faire connaître les conditions sociales des professionnels de chaque nation pour permettre à chacune de s'adapter aux améliorations réalisées; encourager, subventionner et faire connaître les recherches et découvertes utiles aux géomètres coordonner l'enseignement de la profession pour tenir compte des méthodes nouvelles; faciliter les rapports avec les autorités compétentes et les échanges de personnel entre collègues de pays différents. (HB 1936) To group the national associations of surveyors in all countries for the discussion of general professional interests; to organise the relations between the different professional bodies; to circulate information regarding the standing of surveyors in the various countries, so that improvements introduced in any one of them may be followed in the others; to encourage, support, and make known researches and inventions which are useful to the surveyor; to co-ordinate professional teaching with special reference to new methods; to facilitate relations with the competent authorities and personal contact between colleagues in different countries. (HB 1938)


Annual subscriptions from national associations. (HB 1931) Souscription annuelle des associations nationales. (HB 1936) Annual subscriptions of national associations. (HB 1938)

General facts

La proposition visant la formation d'une Fédération internationale de géomètres a été faite à Paris en 1878, lors du premier congrès de géomètres. Une deuxième tentative a été faite en 1910 au Congrès international de géomètres à Bruxelles qui groupa les représentants de nombreux pays. Après la guerre, des échanges de vues et de nouvelles réunions eurent lieu jusqu'à la création définitive de la Fédération en 1926, au cours du deuxième congrès des géomètres, tenu à Paris. Les derniers congrès internationaux ont eu lieu à Zurich en 1930 et à Londres (cinquième Congrès), en 1934. (HB 1936) The proposal for the organisation of an International Federation of Surveyors was brought forward at the First Congress of Surveyors, held in Paris in 1878. A second attempt was made in 1910 at the International Congress of Surveyors at Brussels, which was attended by representatives of many countries. After the war exchanges of views and further meetings took place, until in 1926 the Federation was organised on a permanent basis at the second Congress of Surveyors in Paris. The most recent international congresses were those held at Zurich in 1930 and in London (Fifth Congress) in 1934. (HB 1938)


Meeting of the Permanent Committee; erport of the Congress. (HB 1931) Réunions annuelles du Comité permanent; congrès internationaux organisés tous les quatre ans dans une ville désignée par le Comité permanent et dont le gouvernement du pays a donné son agrément ; sont organisées également des réunions du Comité permanent du cadastre, du Comité pour le vocabulaire et du Comité des métreurs. (HB: 1936) Annual meetings of the Permanent Committee; international congresses held every four years in the city chosen by the Permanent Committee, with the approval of the Government of the country concerned; meetings of the Permanent Land Register Committee, the Terminology Committee and the Committee of Quantity Surveyors are also organised. (HB 1938)
