Dr. Helgo Lindstedt

Mark for connection search
1887-9-22 22/9/1887 (in Lund: Sweden )

Nationality: Swedish

Roles in Organisations

  • LoN Health Section : LoN Statistical Assistant (LoN Second Division) (11/12/1925-31/12/1926)   


  • Lund: Sweden
  • Stockholm: Sweden -1919 (On two separate occasions employed in the Statistical Department of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Stockholm)
  • Norway (during 1919 worked as a factory hand on the land and in forestry in Norway & Sweden)
  • Sweden (during 1919 worked as a factory hand on the land and in forestry in Norway & Sweden)
  • Vienna: Austria 1920-1925 (1 year in Vienna employed by the Swedish Red Cross in its Austrian Relief work.)