International Federation of Workmen's Evangelical Associations

International Federation of Workmen's Evangelical Associations , Internationale Arbeitsgemeinschaft Evangelischer Arbeitnehmerverbände, Fédération Internationale des Ligues Ouvrières Évangélique
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Founded: 1928
Sources: HB 1931, HB 1936, HB 1938



Members in these countries

HB 1936: Organisations affiliées au Danemark, aux Etats-Unis d'Amérique, aux Pays-Bas et en Suisse. HB 1938:Affiliated organisations in Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland, the United States of America.
Denmark (since 1931) , Germany (1931-1936) , Netherlands (since 1931) , Norway (since 1938) , Switzerland (since 1931) , United States of America (since 1936) ,



To rose the people´s conscience and minds to an appreciation of the principles embodied in the Gospels of Jesus Christ, by means of professional and joint work on the international plane of social and economic questions. In particular it endeavours, without itself exercising the functions of a trade union, to promote all the efforts of the various organisations of evangelic workers to lend religious, moral and material assistance and protection to the economically weak body of workers. HB 1931 Amener la conscience et l'esprit du peuple à comprendre les principes exprimés dans l'Evangile de Jésus-Christ, par le moyen d'une étude professionnelle et collective des questions sociales et économiques sur le plan international. En particulier, la Fédération s'efforce, sans jouer elle-même le rôle d'un syndicat, de soutenir tous les efforts que font les diverses organisations de propagateurs de l'Evangile pour fournir une aide religieuse, morale et matérielle à la classe économiquement faible des travailleurs. HB 1936 To rouse the people's conscience and minds to an appreciation of the principles embodied in the Gospels of Jesus Christ, by means of professional and joint study, on the international plane, of social and economic questions. In particular the Federation endeavours, without itself exercising the functions of a trade union, to support all the efforts of the various organisations of evangelical workers to give religious, moral and material assistance and protection to the economically weak body of workers. HB 1938


Organisation of international congresses. The third will be held in the Netherlands in 1933. HB 1931 Organisation de congrès internationaux. Le premier congrès s'est réuni à Düsseldorf, le 10 avril 1928; le second, à Essen, en juin 1931; le troisième se tiendra au Danemark, en 1936. HB 1936 Organisation of international congresses. The first congress was held at Dusseldorf on A p r i l loth, 1928, the second at Essen in June 1931, the third was held in Denmark in 1936. HB 1938
