The International Federation of Camping Clubs

The International Federation of Camping Clubs, Fédération Internationale des Clubs de Camping
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Founded: 1932
Sources: HB 1936, HB 1938


International Bureau with 5 members, representing Belgium, the United Kingdom, France and the Netherlands.


Members in these countries

Titular members, camping-clubs, affiliated members, other organisations interested in camping.
Austria (since 1936) , Belgium (since 1936) , Czechoslovakia (since 1936) , Denmark (since 1936) , France (since 1936) , Germany (since 1936) , Hungary (since 1938) , Italy (since 1936) , Luxembourg (since 1936) , Netherlands (since 1936) , Norway (since 1936) , Poland (since 1938) , Romania (since 1936) , Spain (since 1936) , Sweden (since 1936) , Switzerland (since 1936) , United Kingdom (since 1936) ,



Etablissement et échange des listes d'emplacements de campement dans les divers pays; échange de renseignements sur les conditions auxquelles le camping est possible aux différents emplacements; organisation de rallyes périodiques internationaux de campeurs; facilités données aux membres de participer à des voyages organisés par d'autres clubs; échanges d'idées pour l'amélioration de l'équipement et de la pratique du camping; échange de publications relatives au camping. (HB 1936) To compile and exchange particulars of available camping sites in various countries; to record and provide information as to conditions and terms under which camping at particular sites is possible; to arrange periodical reunions of campers from various countries; to facilitate members taking part in tours arranged by other clubs; to facilitate the exchange of ideas for the development of camping kit and practice; to exchange camping publications. (HB 1938)


Cotisation annuelle de chaque club membre, au prorata du nombre des membres. (HB 1936) Annual subscription from each member, based on number of members. (HB 1938)

General facts

La Fédération a été constituée lors d'une conférence internationale tenue à Saxonheim aux Pays-Bas, et le club de camping de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande assura le secrétariat pendant la première année. Le premier camp-congrès s'est tenu en Angleterre en 1933, des statuts provisoires y furent adoptés pour la période 1933 à 1936 et la direction fut confiée au Bureau international. Le second camp-congrès eut lieu en France en 1934 et le troisième en Belgique, en 1935. (HB 1936) The Federation was formed at an International Conference held at Saxenheim in the Netherlands, and the Camping Club of Great Britain and Ireland acted as Secretary for the first year. The First Camp and Congress was held in England in *933> when a provisional constitution was adopted for the period 1933 to 1936 and the management committed to the International Bureau. The Second Camp and Congress was held in France in 1934 and the Third in Belgium in 1935. The Fourth Camp and Congress in Catalonia, 1936, decided to extend the operation of the provisional constitution and the term of office of the Bureau for a further year. The Fifth Camp and Congress was held in Germany in 1937. (HB 1938)


Un bulletin annuel, International Camping ; rapports des congrès, etc. Autres publications contenant des renseignements sur l'organisation : Annuaire du camping club de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande, 1934, 1935; Revue de ce club, Camping; Revues françaises Camping et Clairière; « Manuale del Turismo» du «Touring Club Italiano», 1934. (HB 1936) An Annual Bulletin, International Camping ; reports of Congresses, etc. Otter Publications giving information on the Organisation: The Year-Books and periodicals of the various members. (HB 1938)


Camps et congrès annuels dans différents pays; publication de guides du camping, centralisation des renseignements utiles aux campeurs, etc. Les membres des divers clubs reçoivent une carte d'introduction internationale. (HB 1936) Annual Camps and Congresses in different countries, publication of camping guides, co-ordination of information of use to campers, etc. An International Card of Introduction is in use for the members of various clubs. (HB 1938)
