International Information Office for Free Trade Unions of Bank Employers

International Information Office for Free Trade Unions of Bank Employers , Zwischenstaatliche Informationstelle der Freigewerkschaftlichen Bankangestellten Organisation, Office International d'Information des Organisations Syndicales Libres d'Employés de Banque
Mark for connection search

Founded: 1/10/1921
Sources: HB 1923, HB 1925, HB 1929


  • Benno Marx General Secretary (Secretary General) : General Secretary of the German Association


Members in these countries

Associations of banking employees in the following countries
Austria , Czechoslovakia , Germany , Hungary ,



Distribuer des informations sur le mouvement syndical des employés de banque aux organisations affiliées; coordonner et encourager l'organisation syndicale de ces employés. HB 1929: To circulate information on the trade-union movement among bank employees to affiliated organisations; to co-ordinate and promote trade-union organisation among these employees.


HB 1929: subscriptions of affiliated organisations.

General facts

Fondé au Congrès international des employés à Vienne; affilié à l'Union internationale des employés (Amsterdam). HB 1929: Founded at the International Employees' Congress at V i e n n a ; affiliated t o the International Union of Employees (Amsterdam).
