Marie Laurembourle

Mark for connection search
1884-8-29 29/8/1884 (in Condes (Puy-de-Dôme): France )

Nationality: French

Roles in Organisations

  • LoN Internal Administration : LoN Shorthand Typist (LoN Second Division) (7/11/1923-3/31/1940)    LoN Stenographer (LoN Second Division) (25/3/1946-30/6/1946)   
  • LoN Pool : LoN Shorthand Typist (LoN Second Division) (23/2/1922-21/8/1922)    LoN Bilingual Shorthand-Typist (LoN Second Division) (21/8/1922-6/11/1923)   


  • Condes (Puy-de-Dôme): France
  • Paris: France 1915-1918 (Secretary to the Paris representative of the Great Eastern Bailway Co. Paris)
  • Unspecified 1918-1919 (Secretary Shorthand-Typist (English-French), American Army. Exact dates unspecified. .)
  • Paris: France 1919-23/2/1922 (Secretary Shorthand-Typist (English & French), Banque Marmorosch Blank & Co. Exact dates unspecified. )