International Wine Office
International Wine Office, Office International du Vin
Founded: 29/11/1924
HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938
A Committee.
Relationships with other Organisations
Members in these countries
HB 1936: Les Gouvernements des pays suivants : Algérie, Allemagne, Autriche, Bulgarie, Espagne, France, Grèce, Hongrie, Italie, Luxembourg, Maroc, Portugal, Roumanie, Suisse, Tunisie, Yougoslavie.
(since 1929)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
(since 1938)
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
(since 1936)
(since 1929)
(since 1936)
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
(since 1936)
(since 1929)
(since 1936)
International Conference for the standardisation of the methods of analysing wine at the International Institute of Agriculture
Lausanne: Switzerland
congress of wine-growing countries in Central Europe
Paris: France
at the Paris International Exhibition
To collect, study and publish information demonstrating the beneficent effects of wine, to call the attention of Governments to international conventions to which it would be desirable for them to accede, and to all appropriate measures for improving the conditions of the international wine market and protecting the interests of winegrowers, etc
(HB 1929)
Réunir, étudier et publier les renseignements de nature à démontrer les effets bienfaisants du vin; indiquer aux gouvernements adhérents les mesures propres à assurer la protection des intérêts viticoles et l'amélioration des conditions du marché international du vin; soumettre aux gouvernements toutes propositions susceptibles d'assurer : 1° la protection des appellations d'origine du vin; 20 la garantie de la pureté et de l'authenticité des produits; 30 la répression des fraudes et de la concurrence déloyale; prendre, en conformité de la législation de chaque pays, toutes initiatives propres à développer le commerce du vin, etc.
(HB 1936)
To collect, study and publish information demonstrating the beneficent effects of wine; to call the attention of member Governments to appropriate measures for protecting the wine-growers' interests, and improving the conditions of the international wine market; to submit to Governments any proposals calculated: (1) to protect the appellations of origin for wine; (2) to guarantee the purity and authenticity of the products; (3) to suppress fraud and unfair competition; to take, in conformity with the legislation of each country, any action designed to promote the trade in wine, etc.
(HB 1938)
Each member country may subscribe up to five subscription units, the unit being 3,000 gold francs. The budget for 1928 was as follows: income 300,000 French francs ; expenditure 200,000 French francs.
(HB 1929)
Cotisations des Etats adhérents, subventions de collectivités, etc.
(HB 1936)
Subscriptions of Member States, grants from organisations, etc.
(HB 1938)
General facts
Founded under the International Agreement of November 29th, 1924, the Office began work on January 1st, 1928.
(HB 1929)
Créé en vertu de l'Arrangement international du 29 novembre 1924, l'Office a commencé son fonctionnement effectif le Ier janvier 1928.
(HB 1936)
The Offfice, which was set up under the International Agreement of November 29th, 1924, actually began work on January 1st, 1928.
(HB 1938)
A monthly Review.
(HB 1929)
Bulletin international du vin (mensuel) ; Annuaire international du vin (annuel).
(HB 1936)
International Wine Bulletin (Bulletin international du vin) (monthly); International Wine Year-book (Annuaire international du vin).
(HB 1938)
The Committee meets at least twice a year. The Office publishes an International Wine Year-Book.
(HB 1929)
L'Office international du vin tient deux sessions par an (en décembre et en juillet). Il participe aux travaux de tous les congrès internationaux d'agriculture (section de viticulture) et aux conférences intéressant les questions viticoles.
En 1935, l'Office a participé à la Conférence internationale de l'unification des méthodes d'analyse du vin à l'Institut international d'agriculture; au quatrième congrès international de la vigne et du vin et au premier congrès international médical de défense du vin, tenus à Lausanne du 26 au 31 août.
En 1936, l'Office international du vin organisera en octobre un congrès international du raisin et des jus de raisin à Tunis.
(HB 1936)
The International Wine Office holds two sessions each year (in December and July). It takes part in the work of all international agricultural congresses (winegrowing section) and conferences dealing with wine-growing questions.
In 1935 the Office took part in the International Conference for the standardisation of the methods of analysing wine at the International Institute of Agriculture; in the fourth International Vine and Wine Congress, and in the first International Medical Congress in defence of wine, held at Lausanne from August 26th to 31st.
In September 1936, the International Wine Office organised a congress of wine-growingA countries in Central Europe, and in October an international grape and grape-juice congress at Tunis.
In 1937 the Office organised an international wine-growers1 congress on June 30th,. July 1st, 2nd and 3rd, at the Paris International Exhibition.
(HB 1938)