International Federation of the Blue Cross Temperance Societies

International Federation of the Blue Cross Temperance Societies, Fédération Internationale des Sociétés de Tempérance de la Croix-Bleue
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Founded: 1877
Sources: HB 1921, HB 1923, HB 1925, HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938


Central council of 25 members with an executive committee in Switzerland; a bureau at 5, Taconnerie Geneva (Switzerland) and a bureau at 39, Zeughausgasse, Bern (Switzerland). HB 1936: Conseil central de vingt-cinq membres et un Comité exécutif en Suisse. Tous les quatre ans a lieu une conférence générale des délégués des sociétés fédérées. HB 1938: A Central Council of twenty-five members and an Executive Committee in Switzerland. A general conference of delegates of the federated societies is held every four years.


Relationships with other Organisations

Members in these countries

En 1913 (dernière statistique complète), la Fédération comptait 120.447 sociétaires (dont 23.124 anciens buveurs) groupés en 2.002 sections. HB 1936: 116.718 membres. HB 1938: 116,718 members.
Angola (1921-1929) , Belgium (since 1921) , Czechoslovakia (since 1925) , Denmark (since 1921) , France (since 1921) , Germany (since 1921) , Hungary (since 1921) , Netherlands (since 1925) , Norway (since 1921) , Portuguese Mozambique (since 1921) , Romania (since 1936) , Switzerland (since 1921) , Yugoslavia (since 1936) ,


Relèvement des victimes de l'intempérance; anstinence totale pour les membres, mais ne condamnant pas l'usage modéré des boisonns fermentées. Les membres prennent leur engagement "avec l'aide de Dieu", ce qui donne un caractère essentiellement religieux à l'oeuvre de la Croix-Bleue. To relieve the victims of intemperance and preserve youth from the dangers of alcoholism. The work of the Blue Gross has an essentially religious character. (HB 1929) Secourir les victimes de l'intempérance et protéger la jeunesse contre les dangers de l'alcoolisme. L'śuvre de la Croix-Bleue a un caractère essentiellement religieux. (HB 1936) To give assistance to victims of intemperance and to protect young people from the dangers of alcoholism. The work of the Blue Cross is of an essentially religious character. (HB 1938)


Contributions annuelles des sociétés fédérées; vente des publications éditées par le C.C.F.; dons et legs. Annual contribution from the federated societies ; sale of publications edited by the Federation ; donations and legacies. Annual contributions from the federated societies; sale of publications issued by the Federation; donations and legacies.(HB 1938)

General facts

L. L. Rochat founded the first temperance society ; later it took the name of the Blue Cross. (HB 1929) L. L. Rochat fonda la première Société de tempérance à Genève en 1877, qui prit plus tard le nom de Croix-Bleue. (HB 1936) L. L. Rochat founded the first Temperance Society in Geneva in 1877; it later took the name of Blue Cross. (HB 1938)


Direction générale de l'oeuvre, organe de liaison par voie de correspondance suivie, publication en diverses langes, propagande, organisation de conférences internationales, etc. General management of the work; a liaison office by means of correspondence; publications in various languages ; propaganda ; organisation of international conferences, etc.L. L. Rochat founded the first temperance society ; later it took the name of the Blue Cross. General organisation of the work; liaison office by means of correspondence; publications in various languages; propaganda; organisation of international conferences, etc. (HB 1938)
