Juliette Ernst

Mark for connection search
1900-1-12 12/1/1900 (in Algiers: Algeria )

Nationality: Swiss

Roles in Organisations


  • Algiers: Algeria
  • Oxford: United Kingdom -2/4/1928 (Given classes in translation from English into French at St Hugh's College,Oxford, during 3 months)
  • Paris: France -2/4/1928 (Taught Latin at the "Collège Sévigné", Paris, to candidates to the "Concours de l'Ecole de Chartres", Paris, during 6 months)
  • Yverdon-les-Bains: Switzerland -2/4/1928 (Professeur of French at the "Ecole Supérieure d'Yverdon", during 3 years.)
