International Federation of Library Associations

International Federation of Library Associations, Internationaler Verband der Bibliothekarvereine, Fédération Internationale des Associations de Bibliothécaires, Federazione Internationale delle Associazioni Bibliotecari, Federacion Internacional de Asociaciones de Ribliotecarios
Mark for connection search

Founded: 1929
Sources: HB 1936, HB 1938


Composition du Comité: Un délégué par Association. (HB 1936) Composition of the Committee: One delegate for each Association. (HB 1938) Composition of the Committee: One delegate for each Association. (HB 1938)


Members in these countries

Trente-quatre Associations nationales de bibliothécaires représentant vingt-cinq pays : Allemagne (2 Ass.), Autriche, Belgique, Royaume-Uni, Chine, Danemark, Espagne (2 Ass.), Estonie, Etats-Unis d'Amérique (2 Ass.), Finlande (2 Ass.), France, Grèce, Inde (2 Ass.), Italie (2 Ass.), Japon, Lettonie, Mexique, Norvège, Pays-Bas (3 Ass.), îles Philippines, Pologne, Suède (2 Ass.), Suisse, Tchécoslovaquie, Yougoslavie. (HB 1936) Forty national library associations representing twenty-nine countries: Austria, Belgium, United Kingdom, China, Czechoslovakia (2 Ass.), Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland (2 Ass.), France, Germany (2 Ass.), Greece, Hungary, India (2 Ass.), Italy (2 Ass.), Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Mexico, the Netherlands (3 Ass.), Norway, Philippines, Poland, Spain (2 Ass.), Sweden (2 Ass.), Switzerland, United States of America (2 Ass.), Vatican City, Yugoslavia and the International Federation of Agronomical Experts. (HB 1938)
Austria (since 1936) , Belgium (since 1936) , China (since 1936) , Czechoslovakia (since 1936) , Denmark (since 1936) , Egypt (since 1938) , Estonia (since 1936) , Finland (since 1936) , France (since 1936) , Germany (since 1936) , Greece (since 1936) , Hungary (since 1938) , India (since 1936) , Italy (since 1936) , Japan (since 1936) , Latvia (since 1938) , Lithuania (since 1938) , Mexico (since 1936) , Netherlands (since 1936) , Norway (since 1936) , Philippines (since 1936) , Poland (since 1936) , Spain (since 1936) , Sweden (since 1936) , Switzerland (since 1936) , United Kingdom (since 1936) , United States of America (since 1936) , Vatican City (since 1938) , Yugoslavia (since 1936) ,


  • 15/6/1929-30/6/1929 Rome: Italy Conference at which the organisation was founded
  • 1935-1935 Madrid: Spain Unclear as to whether this is a direct successor to the 1er Congrès International des Bibliothèques due to the name change. An organisational broadening of aims perhaps?


Développer la coopération internationale entre les bibliothèques. (HB 1936) To promote international co-operation between librarians. (HB 1938)


es: Budget : 1933-34 : recettes, 5.579 fr. 24; dépenses, 3.481 fr. 70; 1934-35: recettes, 4.438 fr. 33; dépenses, 3.595 fr. 27. Sources des recettes : Cotisations des Associations membres et vente des publications de la Fédération (HB 1936) : Budget: 1933-34: receipts, 5,579,24 francs; expenditure, 3,481.70francs; 1934-35: receipts, 4438-33 francs; expenditure, 3-595-27 francs; 1935- 36: receipts, 3,812.13 francs; expenditure, 2,012.57 francs. Source of income: subscriptions of the member Associations and sale of the Federation's publications. (HB 1938)

General facts

Sessions du Comité international des Bibliothèques (organe exécutif de la Fédération) : 1929, Rome-Florence-Venise; 1930, Stockholm; 1931, Cheltenham; 1932, Berne; 1933, Chicago et Avignon; 1934, Madrid; 1935, Madrid. Deuxième Congrès international des Bibliothèques et de Bibliographie, Madrid et Barcelone, mai 1935. (HB 1936) Sessions of the International Library Committee (the executive organ of the Federation): 1929, Rome-Florence-Venice; 1930, Stockholm; 1931, Cheltenham; 1932, Berne; 1933, Chicago aid Avignon; 1934, Madrid; 1935, Madrid; 1936, Warsaw; 1937, Paris Second International Congress of Libraries and Bibliography, Madrid and Barcelona, May 1935. (HB 1938)


Actes du Comité international des Bibliothèques, vol. I à VI; Répertoire des Associations membres de la Fédération, dernière édition, 1935. (HB 1936) Proceedings of the International Library Committee, Vols. I to VIII. Handbook of Associations members of the Federation, last edition, 1935. Proceedings of the Second International Congress of Libraries and Bibliography, Madrid, 1936. (HB 1938)


Le Comité international des Bibliothèques étudie, soit directement, soit par l'intermédiaire de ses sous-commissions, les questions suivantes : Organisation des bibliothèques populaires et d'hôpitaux, échange de bibliothécaires, échange de thèses universitaires, enseignement professionnel, statistique des bibliothèques, statistique de la production des imprimés, surproduction des périodiques, collaboration des bibliothèques spéciales et des bibliothèques parlementaires et administratives, prêt international de publications, unification des règles de catalogue, normalisation dans le domaine du livre et des bibliothèques. (HB 1936) The International Library Committee is studying, either directly or through its sub-committees, the following questions: Organisation of popular and hospital libraries, exchange of librarians, exchange of university theses, professional training, library statistics, statistics of the production of printed matter, over-production of periodicals, co-operation between special libraries and parliamentary and administrative libraries, international loan of publications, standardised rules for cataloguing, standardisation in matters connected with books and libraries. (HB 1938)
