International Federation of Leagues for the Defence of the Rights of Man and Citizens

International Federation of Leagues for the Defence of the Rights of Man and Citizens , Fédération Internationale des Ligues pour la Défense des Droits de l'Homme et du Citoyen
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Founded: 1922
Sources: HB 1925, HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938



Members in these countries

National leagues in the following countries:
Albania (since 1925) , Armenia (since 1925) , Austria (since 1925) , Belgium (since 1925) , Bulgaria (since 1925) , Dantzig (since 1925) , Georgia (since 1925) , Germany (since 1925) , Greece (since 1925) , Haiti (since 1925) , Hungary (since 1925) , Italy (since 1925) , Luxembourg (since 1925) , Poland (since 1925) , Portugal (since 1925) , Romania (since 1925) , Spain (since 1925) , United Kingdom (since 1925) ,


HB 1925/1936: Créer des occasions de contact entre les différentes ligues ; répandre et réaliser dans tous les pays les principes de justice, de liberté, d'égalité et de souveraineté populaires issus des Déclarations françaises des Droits de l'homme de 1789 et 1793; mener une campagne sur la nécessité d'élargir la Société des Nations et sur l'obligation de lui soumettre tous les conflits entre les Etats, afin que les différends soient réglés non par la force, mais suivant le droit et dans la paix. HB 1929: To supply opportunities of contact between the various Leagues ; to disseminate in all countries the principles of justice, liberty, equality and the sovereignty of the people as issued in the French Declaration of the Rights of Man of 1789 and 1793 ; to carry on a campaign for extending the League of Nations and the obligation of submitting to it all disputes between the States in order that such disputes may be settled, not by force, but according to law and by peaceful methods. HB 1938: To supply opportunities for contact between the various leagues; the dissemination and application in all countries of the principles of justice, liberty, equality and the sovereignty of the people, as issued in the French Declaration of the Rights of Man of 1789 arid 1793; to work continuously for the extension of the rights of man to all persons and communities (refugees, outlaws, the stateless, the persecuted, national minorities, etc.), and in particular to carry on a campaign for extending the League of Nations and the obligation to submit to it all disputes between the States, in order that such disputes may be settled not by force, but according to law and by peaceful methods.


HB 1925/1936: Chaque ligue fixe elle-même le montant de la cotisation de ses membres. Elle contribue aux dépenses de la Fédération par une contribution fixe et par une contribution proportionnelle au nombre de ses membres. HB 1929: Every League fixes the amount of its members' subscription. It contributes to the expenses of the Federation by means of a fixed contribution and a contribution in proportion to the number of its members. HB 1938: Each league fixes the amount of its members' subscriptions, and makes a fixed contribution towards the expenses of the Federation as well as a contribution in proportion to its membership.


HB 1925: Le Conseil de la Fédération internationale des ligues pour la de
