International Association for Live-Saving and First Aid to the Injured

International Association for Live-Saving and First Aid to the Injured, Internationale Vereinigung für Rettungswesen und Erste Hilfe bei Unfällen, Association Internationale de Sauvetage et de Premier Secours en Cas d'Accidents
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Founded: 11/9/1926
Sources: HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938


A provisional Committee, the President and the General Secretary. (HB 1929) Le Secrétaire général est Directeur du Bureau international. Les organes de l'Association sont: a) le Comité central; b) la Commission permanente; c) l'Assemblée générale. Composition de la Commission permanente: Président: Vacant. (HB 1936) The Secretary-General is the Director of the International Office. The organs of the Association are: (a) the Central Committee, (b) the Permanent Com¬ mission, (c) the General Assembly. (HB 1938)


Members in these countries

Associations in the following countries: (HB 1929) a) Gouvernements des pays suivants : Allemagne, Argentine, Autriche, Belgique, Danemark, Egypte, Equateur, Espagne, Grèce, Guatémala, Hongrie, Islande, Mexique, Monaco, Norvège, Pays-Bas, Pérou, Pologne, Roumanie, Turquie, Yougoslavie; b) Associations nationales dans les pays suivants : Autriche, Danemark, Egypte, Espagne, Lettonie, Norvège, Pays-Bas, Roumanie, Yougoslavie. (HB 1936) (a) Governments of the following countries: Argentine, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Hungary, Iceland, Mexico, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway,. Peru, Poland, Portugal, Roumania, Spain, Turkey, (b) National associations in the following countries: Austria, Denmark, Egypt, United Kingdom, Latvia, the Netherlands, Norway, Roumania, Spain, Yugoslavia. (HB 1938)
Argentina (since 1929) , Austria (since 1929) , Belgium (since 1929) , Denmark (since 1929) , Ecuador (since 1929) , Egypt (since 1929) , Germany (since 1929) , Greece (since 1929) , Guatemala (since 1929) , Hungary (since 1929) , Iceland (since 1929) , Latvia (since 1929) , Mexico (since 1929) , Monaco (since 1929) , Netherlands (since 1929) , Norway (since 1929) , Peru (since 1929) , Poland (since 1929) , Portugal (since 1938) , Portugal (1929-1936) , Romania (since 1929) , Spain (since 1929) , Turkey (since 1929) , United Kingdom (since 1938) , Yugoslavia (since 1936) ,



The Association aims at life-saving and first aid in various countries by collecting and exchanging experiences on this subject, by promoting the organisation of such work, and by asking as an intermediary for international measures for saving life and affording first aid. (HB 1929) L'avancement du sauvetage et des premiers secours en cas d'accidents dans les divers pays, par la réunion et l'échange des expériences acquises en la matière et par des suggestions pour leur organisation. (HB 1936) The Association aims at the promotion of life-saving and first aid in various countries by the collection and exchange of experiences on this subject, and by suggestions for the organisation of such work. (HB 1938)


Annual subscriptions of the Governments and societies in the various countries. (HB 1929) Sources de recettes: cotisations des membres. (HB 1936) Source of revenue: members' subscriptions. (HB 1938)

General facts

At the second International Congress for Life-Saving and First Aid to the Injured at Vienna it was decided, in principle, to establish the International Association for Life-Saving and First Aid to the Injured. At the third International Congress, held at Amsterdam, the Association was definitely established. (HB 1929) Au premier Congrès international de sauvetage et de premiers secours en cas d'accidents, tenu à Francfort-sur-le-Main, le vœu fut émis de fonder une association internationale. Pendant le deuxième Congrès, à Vienne, un projet de statuts fut discuté dans une commission spéciale. Le troisième Congrès international, qui devait en décider, n'a pas eu lieu, à cause de la guerre, avant 1926. L'Association internationale fut alors définitivement constituée, à Amsterdam. Depuis, la Commission permanente a préparé le quatrième Congrès international (Copenhague, 1934), où les statuts et le règlement intérieur furent adoptés et la Commission permanente élue. (HB 1936) At the First International Congress on Life-Saving and First Aid to the Injured, held at Frankfort-on-Main, the foundation of an international association was recommended. During the Second Congress, in Vienna, draft statutes were discussed by a special committee. The Third International Congress, which was to have taken a decision in the matter, could not take place before 1926, on account of the war. The International Association was then definitely established at Amsterdam. The Permanent Commission subsequently prepared the Fourth International Congress (Copenhagen 1934), at which the statutes and rules of procedure were adopted and the Permanent Commission elected. (HB 1938)


Statuts et règlement intérieur; rapports; brochure: l'Association internationale de Sauvetage et de Premiers Secours en cas d'Accidents (A.I.S.S.A.) et l'Union internationale de Secours (U.I.S.). (HB 1936) Statutes and rules of procedure; reports, pamphlets: The International Association for Life-saving and First Aid to the Injured (I.A.L.S.F.A.I.) and The International Relief Union (I.R.U.) (HB 1938)


The international office is gathering data regarding life-saving and first-aid in the various countries, and regarding staff and material that might be placed at disposal in case of an international catastrophe. (HB 1929) Quatrième Congrès international de sauvetage et de premiers secours en cas d'accidents, Copenhague, 11-16 juin 1934. (HB 1936) Fourth International Congress on Life-Saving and First Aid to the Injured, Copenhagen, June uth-i6th, 1934. (HB 1938)
