International Police Conference

International Police Conference, Conférence Internationale de Police
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Sources: HB 1925, HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938


Administrative Council, Executive Committee (HB 1936). A Board of Management; an Executive Committee (HB 1938)


Members in these countries

Les administrations de police des pays suivants/Police administrations in:
Argentina (since 1925) , Australia (since 1925) , Austria (since 1925) , Belgium (since 1925) , Bermuda (since 1925) , Brazil (since 1925) , Canada (since 1925) , Chile (since 1925) , China (since 1925) , Cuba (since 1925) , Czechoslovakia (since 1925) , Denmark (since 1925) , Ecuador (since 1925) , Egypt (since 1925) , Estonia (since 1925) , Germany (since 1925) , Guatemala (since 1925) , Honduras (since 1925) , Hungary (since 1925) , India (since 1925) , Ireland (since 1925) , Italy (since 1925) , Japan (since 1925) , Liberia (since 1925) , Netherlands (since 1925) , New Zealand (since 1925) , Newfoundland (since 1925) , Norway (since 1925) , Nova Scotia (since 1925) , Panama (since 1925) , Peru (since 1925) , Poland (since 1925) , Puerto Rico (since 1925) , Siam (since 1925) , South Africa (since 1925) , Sweden (since 1925) , Switzerland (since 1925) , United Kingdom (since 1925) , United States of America (since 1925) ,



Standardisation des procédés, méthodes et systèmes employés par les administrations de police du monde entier; coopération entre les polices nationales, provinciales et municipales, les organisations de police rurale, et les bureaux de police privée de toutes les nations; création d'une méthode efficace en vue de contrôler le passage des criminels d'un pays et d'un État dans un autre; création d'une méthode efficace permettant de transmettre les renseignements relatifs aux déplacements de criminels connus, d'un lieu à un autre, à leur incarcération et à leur sortie de prison. HB 1929: The standardisation of police procedure, methods and systems of police departments throughout the world ; co-operation between national, State and municipal police departments, rural constabulary organisations and detective bureaux in all countries ; the establishment of an efficient method of controlling the immigration of criminals from one country or State to another; the establishment of an efficient method of circulating information regarding the movements of known criminals. HB 1936: Uniformisation de la procédure policière, des méthodes et des systèmes suivis par les services de police dans le monde entier; collaboration entre les services de police nationaux, d'Etat et municipaux, les organisations de gendarmerie rurale et les bureaux de police privée de tous les pays; création d'une méthode efficace pour le contrôle de l'immigration des criminels d'un pays ou d'un Etat dans un autre; création d'une méthode efficace pour la diffusion des renseignements relatifs aux mouvements des criminels connus. HB 1938: The standardisation of police procedure, methods and systems of police departments throughout the world; co-operation between national, State and municipal police departments, rural constabulary organisations and detective bureaux in all countries; the establishment of an efficient method of controlling the immigration of criminals from one country or State to another; the establishment of an efficient method of circulating information regarding the movements of known criminals.


Ressources assurées par un comité spécial permanent des recettes. HB 1929: Funds provided by a special Standing Committee of Ways and Means. HB 1936: Ponds fournis par un Comité permanent spécial des voies et moyens. HB 1938: Funds provided by a special Standing Committee of Ways and Means.

General facts

la première conférence internationale de police s'est tenue à New-York, au mois de mai 1921, et la quatrième au mois de mai 1925. HB 1929: The First International Police Conference was held at New York in 1921, and the Fourth in 1925. HB 1936: La première conférence internationale de la police a eu lieu à New-York, en 1921; la quatrième en 1925. HB 1938: The First International Police Conference was held at New York in 1921, and the Fourth in 1925.


Conférence annuelle; publication des actes des conférences internationales et nationales et autres documents. HB 1929: Annual Conference; publication of the proceedings of international and national conferences, and other documents. HB 1938: Annual Conference; publication of the proceedings of international and national conferences and other documents.
