International Federation of Consulting Engineers

International Federation of Consulting Engineers, Internationaler Verband Beratender Ingenieure, Fédération Internationale des Ingénieurs-Conseils
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Founded: 1913
Sources: HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938


  • L. Flesch Secretary 1929-1936
  • Rodolphe Edgard Mathot Chairmen of the Board of Management (President) 1929-1936 / Vice-President of the Committee (Vice President) 1929-1936 / Chairman of the Executive Committee (President) 1936 / Vice-President of the Federation (Vice President) 1936
  • L. Prangey President of the Committee (President) 1929-1936 / President of the Federation (President) 1936
  • B. Renard Vice-President of the Committee (Vice President) 1929-1936
  • A. C. Robert Secretary 1936
  • Dr. W. Wyssling Vice-President of the Committee (Vice President) 1936


Members in these countries

Associations of qualified consulting engineers in ten Continental countries (350 members in all). (HB 1929) Associations d'ingénieurs-conseils qualifiés dans les pays ci-après et membres correspondants. Total, 400 membres: (HB 1936) Associations of qualified consulting engineers in: Austria, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, France, Hungary, Norway, the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, and correspondent members. (Total, 400 members.) (HB 1938)
Austria (since 1936) , Belgium (since 1936) , Czechoslovakia (since 1936) , France (since 1936) , Hungary (since 1936) , Netherlands (since 1936) , Norway (since 1936) , Poland (since 1936) , Sweden (since 1936) , Switzerland (since 1936) ,



Protection of members' professional interests, regulation of the profession, propaganda, etc. (HB 1929) Protéger les intérêts professionnels des membres, réglementer la propagande professionnelle, etc. (HB 1936). Protection of members' professional interests, regulation of the professional propaganda, etc. (HB 1938)


The income comprises donations from members and subscriptions from affiliated associations. (HB 1929) Les recettes comprennent les dons des membres et les cotisations des associations affiliées. (HB 1936) Income derived from donations from members and subscriptions from affiliated associations. (HB 1938)

General facts

The Federation (FIDIC) was formed on the occasion of the International Exhibition at Ghent (Belgium) in 1913, on the initiative of the Belgian Chamber of Consulting and Expert Engineers and the French Chamber of Consulting and Expert Engineers. At the second Congress at Berne the rules of the FIDIC were established on a permanent basis. The fourth Congress was held at Amsterdam in 1928, when four new associations were admitted to the Federation. (HB 1929) La Fédération (F.I.D.I.C.) a été constituée lors de l'Exposition internationale de Gand (Belgique), en 1913, sur l'initiative de la Chambre belge des ingénieurs-conseils, et de la Chambre française des ingénieurs et experts-conseils. Lors du deuxième Congrès, à Berne, le règlement de la F.I.D.I.C. a été définitivement établi. Des Congrès ont eu lieu ultérieurement à Varsovie, en 1926, à Amsterdam, en 1928, à Vienne, en 1930, à Zurich, en 1932 et à Prague en 1935. (HB 1936) The Federation (FIDIC) was formed on the occasion of the International Exhibition at Ghent (Belgium) in 1913, on the initiative of the Belgian Chamber of Consulting Engineers and the French Chamber of Consulting and Expert Engineers. At the second Congress at Berne the rules of the FIDIC were established on a permanent basis. Congresses were held later, at Warsaw 1926, Amsterdam 1928, Vienna 1930, Zurich 1932 and Prague 1935. (HB 1938)


Conferences, publication of a Year-Book; exchange of information, etc. (HB 1929) Conférences, publication de leurs comptes rendus, et d'un annuaire, échanges de renseignements, etc. (HB 1936) Conferences, publication of the proceedings of conferences, and of a Year-Book, exchange of information, etc. (HB 1938)
