Miners' International Federation

Miners' International Federation, Internationaler Bergarbeiterverband, Fédération Internationale des Mineurs, International Federation of Miners
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Founded: 1890
Sources: HB 1921, HB 1923, HB 1925, HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938


HB 1936: Comité composé de représentants officiels de chaque pays. HB 1938: Committee composed of national officials of each country.


Relationships with other Organisations

Members in these countries

1,941,199 (HB 1929). Belgique: 63.000; Royaume-Uni: 500.000; Etats-Unis d'Amérique: 700.000; France : 56.000; Luxembourg : 2.500; Norvège : 3.500; Pays-Bas : 5.000; Pologne : 21.000; Roumanie: 6.482; Suède: 7.552; Tchécoslovaquie: 35.000; Yougoslavie: 2.000; Soit au total 1.401.034 mineurs. (HB 1936) HB 1938: Belgium (53,000); United Kingdom (500,000); Czechoslovakia (35,000) ; France (100,000); Luxemburg (200,000); the Netherlands (4,100); Norway (3,500); Poland (18,000); Roumania (8,000); Spain (number not known); Sweden (6,300); United States of America (300,000); Yugoslavia (1,000).
Belgium (since 1936) , Czechoslovakia (since 1936) , France (since 1936) , Luxembourg (since 1936) , Netherlands (since 1936) , Norway (since 1936) , Poland (since 1936) , Romania (since 1936) , Spain (since 1938) , Sweden (since 1936) , United Kingdom (since 1936) , United States of America (since 1936) , Yugoslavia (since 1936) ,


Maintenir et développer une organisation permanente internationale des mineurs afin : a) de défendre les intérêts économiques et sociaux de tous les mineurs; b) d'abolir le capitalisme et de nationaliser ou socialiser l'industrie minière. (HB 1936) The objects of the Miners' International Federation are to develop and maintain a permanent international organisation of miners for the purpose of: (a) promoting the economic and social interests of all mine workers ; (c) the abolition of capitalism and the nationalisation or socialisation of the mining industry. (HB 1938)


Budget annuel alimenté par des contributions que les organisations affiliées versent au prorata de leur effectif. (HB 1936) The annual budget is based on contributions from affiliated organisations in proportion to the number of their members. (HB 1938)


Bulletin trimestriel. Autres publications contenant des renseignements sur l'organisation: Renseignements statistiques. (HB 1936) Statistical information (HB 1938)


Réunion du Comité tous les trois mois. Conférence générale tous les deux ans. Réunions extraordinaires, lorsque besoin en est. (HB 1936) Committee meeting every three months. General conference every two years. Special meetings as required. (HB 1938)
