International Association of Recognised Automobile-Clubs

International Association of Recognised Automobile-Clubs, Association Internationale des Automobile-Clubs Reconnus (A.I.A.C.R.)
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Founded: 1904
Sources: HB 1921, HB 1923, HB 1925, HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938


HB 1929: Standing Committees: There are three Standing Committees: The International Sport Committee; This Committee is responsible for drawing up international sporting regulations,especially the regulations for the Grand Prix of Europe, an international race instituted by the Association. The International Traffic and Customs Committee: This Committee studies questions relating to traffic and international improvements required both in the laws and regulations governing traffic and in its actual conditions ; it also seeks means of facilitating the crossing of frontiers, especially in connection with administrative and Customs formalities. The International Tourist Traffic Committee: This Committee deals with all questions connected with tourist traffic, except those which come within the province of the International Traffic and Customs Committee.


Members in these countries

The National Automobile Clubs in the following countries.
Albania (since 1936) , Argentina (since 1929) , Austria (since 1923) , Belgium (since 1921) , Brazil (since 1929) , Bulgaria (since 1929) , Chile (since 1929) , Czechoslovakia (since 1921) , Denmark (since 1921) , Egypt (since 1923) , Estonia (since 1929) , Finland (since 1921) , France (since 1921) , Germany (since 1929) , Greece (since 1929) , Hungary (since 1923) , Ireland (since 1929) , Italy (since 1921) , Japan (1921-1925) , Kingdom of Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia (1923-1936) , Latvia (since 1929) , Lithuania (since 1929) , Luxembourg (since 1925) , Mexico (since 1936) , Monaco (since 1929) , Netherland Indies (since 1936) , Netherlands (since 1921) , Norway (since 1921) , Palestine (since 1936) , Poland (since 1921) , Portugal (since 1921) , Republic of Cuba (since 1921) , Romania (since 1921) , Spain (since 1921) , States of Syria and Lebanon (since 1936) , Sweden (since 1921) , Switzerland (since 1921) , Turkey (since 1936) , Union of South Africa (since 1936) , United Kingdom (since 1921) , United States of America (since 1921) , Uruguay (since 1921) , Yugoslavia (since 1936) ,


Grouper les clubs automobiles du monde entier et donner à l'industrie automobile une direction unique. Grouper les Automobile-Clubs du monde entier en vue de la réglementation internationale du sport automobile, du développement du tourisme automobile international. (HB 1925) To unite the National Automobile Clubs throughout the world for the international regulation of the sport of motoring, the improvement of conditions in international motor traffic and the development of international touring (HB 1929).


Les clubs affiliés versent 1 franc par membre; le maximum est de 4.000 francs. The affiliated clubs pay a subscription proportionate to the number of their members, the maximumm and minimum being fixed annually by the General Assembly. (HB 1929) Les Automobiles-Clubs affiliés paient une cotisation annuelle proportionnelle au nombre de leurs membres. (HB 1936) The affiliated Clubs pay an annual subscription proportionate to their membership. (HB 1938)


Official Publications: (a) Code sportif international, with annexes; (b) Recueil de renseignements de tourisme, a volume of nearly 1,400 pages, published in April of each year, which is an encyclopaedia of motoring and touring conditions throughout the world ; (c) Revue Internationale de VAutomobile, the official organ, which appears quarterly and is the only publication containing the official list of motor records; (d) Guide-book entitled " L'Europe en Automobile", road-maps of Europe on the scale of 1/2,000,000, routes, etc.; (e) Miscellaneous publications : Standard insurance policy, lists of European Customs houses, etc... Revue Internationale de Automobile, a quarterly publication. (HB 1929) Publications officielles: a) Code sportif international et annexes; b) Recueil de renseignements de tourisme, volume de près de 1.300 pages, publié tous les ans au mois d'avril, encyclopédie des conditions de la circulation et du tourisme automobile dans tous les pays du monde; c) Revue internationale de l'Automobile, organe officiel, paraissant le 15 du premier mois de chaque trimestre, seule publication contenant les listes officielles de records automobiles; d) Guide « L'Europe en Automobile », cartes routières d'Europe au I/, itinéraires, etc.; e) Publications diverses : Police-type d'assurance, listes des bureaux de douane européens, etc. (HB 1936)


Réglementation de la circulation automobile internationale, conférences internationales. (HB 1923) Elaboration et application des règlements sportifs internationaux, réglementation de la circulation automobile internationale, etc. (HB 1925) The A.I.A.C.R. holds an annual General Assembly, which meets in Paris, when possible at the time of the Paris Motor Show. (HB 1929) Sont partagés entre trois commissions permanentes : 1) La Commission sportive internationale chargée d'élaborer les règlements sportifs internationaux, d'homologuer les records automobiles (records du monde sans distinction de cylindrée, et records internationaux par classe de cylindrée) ; 2) la Commission internationale de circulation et des douanes, chargée de l'étude des moyens propres à faciliter les passages aux frontières, notamment en ce qui concerne les formalités administratives et douanières; 3) la Commission internationale de tourisme, chargée de l'étude de toutes les questions relatives à la circulation et aux améliorations à apporter internationalement tant aux lois et règlements qui s'y rapportent, qu'aux conditions mêmes de cette circulation. L'Association tient, en principe, deux congrès annuels. L'un au mois d'octobre, à Paris; l'autre, au printemps, dans une ville choisie chaque année. (HB 1936) These are divided among four standing committees : (1) The International Sport Committee, which is responsible for drawing up international sporting regulations, the recognition of motoring records (world records irrespective of cylinder capacity, aud international records for classes of cars with different cylinder capacity); (2) The International Traffic and Customs Committee, which is responsible for studying means of facilitating the crossing of frontiers, especially in connection with administrative and Custom formalities; (3) the International Tourist Traffic Committee, which deals with all questions connected with tourist traffic and the improvement, through international action, both of the relevant laws and regulations and of actual touring conditions; (4) the International Technical Committee, whose task it is to study technical questions relating to motor-cars, their equipment and accessories, and to draft international regulations relating to technical tests and the supervision of such tests. In principle the Association holds two congresses each year — one at Paris in October, and the other in the spring in a different town each year. (HB 1938)