International Christian Esperanto League

International Christian Esperanto League, Kristana Esperantista Ligo Internacia
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Founded: 1911
Sources: HB 1936, HB 1938


National representatives in 19 countries.


Members in these countries

Christian Esperantists in the following countries: Ca. 500 members, national leagues exist in Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden. Christian Esperantists in the following countries. About 500 members. National leagues exist in Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden. (HB 1938)
Australia (since 1936) , Belgium (since 1936) , Czechoslovakia (since 1936) , Dantzig (since 1936) , Denmark (since 1936) , Estonia (since 1936) , Finland (since 1936) , France (since 1936) , Germany (since 1936) , Italy (since 1936) , Japan (since 1936) , Netherlands (since 1936) , Norway (since 1936) , Poland (since 1936) , Spain (since 1936) , Sweden (since 1936) , Switzerland (since 1936) , Togo (since 1936) , United Kingdom (since 1936) , United States of America (since 1936) ,


  • 1907-1907 Unspecified meetings in special small countries during the Esperanto Congresses
  • 1911-1911 Antwerp: Belgium officially made meetings


Favoriser l'introduction de l'espéranto dans les milieux internationaux de religion protestante. To encourage the introduction of Esperanto into international Protestant circles.


Cotisation annuelle des membres de 2 francs suisses environ. Members' annual subscription of about 2 Swiss francs.

General facts

Depuis 1907, des personnes intéressées se sont réunies au moment des congrès de l'espéranto en petits comités spéciaux qui sont devenus officiels depuis 1911, au congrès d'Anvers. La Ligue publie des livres religieux en espéranto et organise des services religieux protestants en espéranto. In 1907, interested persons began to hold meetings in special small committees during the Esperanto Congresses; these were made official in 1911, at the Antwerp Congress. The League publishes religious books in Esperanto, and organises Protestant services in Esperanto.


Dia Regno, bulletin mensuel. Dia Regno, a monthly bulletin.


Des congrès internationaux sont organisés au moment des congrès officiels de l'espéranto. International congresses are organised at the official Esperanto congresses.
