International Association for the Development of Linear Cities

International Association for the Development of Linear Cities, Association Internationale des Cités Linéaires
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Founded: 1928
Sources: HB 1931, HB 1936, HB 1938



Members in these countries

Individual members in several countries. (HB 1931) Délégués (HB 1936)
Argentina (since 1936) , Australia (since 1936) , Austria (since 1936) , Belgium (since 1931) , Brazil (since 1936) , Bulgaria (since 1936) , Canada (since 1936) , Chile (since 1933) , China (since 1936) , Czechoslovakia (since 1933) , France (since 1936) , Greece (since 1936) , India (since 1936) , Italy (since 1936) , Panama (since 1936) , Peru (since 1936) , Poland (since 1936) , Romania (since 1936) , Siam (since 1936) , Spain (since 1933) , Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (since 1936) , United Kingdom (since 1936) , United States of America (since 1936) ,



To promote the development in all countries of linear cities, national, international and transcontinental, in accordance with rational principles and with the object of avoiding overconcentration of the population in towns; to develop as parkways the new main roads of communication -i.e., motorways, motor-routes, arterial roads, seaside boulevards, etc., while, at the same time, preserving ancient villages, natural features, rural scenery and historical monuments. (HB 1931) Propager la création des cités linéaires en tous pays, nationales, internationales, transcontinentales, suivant les modes les plus rationnels de peuplement pour éviter la concentration excessive des agglomérations urbaines. Aménager en avenues parc (parkways) les nouvelles grandes voies de communication : autostrades, autoroutes, boulevards maritimes, etc., en préservant les anciens villages, les sites naturels, les paysages et les monuments historiques. (HB 1936) To promote the development in all countries of linear cities, national, international and transcontinental, in accordance with rational principles and with the object of avoiding overconcentration of the population in towns; to develop as parkways the new main roads of communication — i.e., motorways, motor-routes, arterial roads, seaside boulevards, etc., while, at the same time, preserving ancient villages, natural features, rural scenery and historical monuments. The principles of the linear City are such that there is no possibility of finding along its sides the inconveniences of the "ribbon road ". (HB 1938)


Subscriptions, donations, subsidies. (HB 1931) Cotisations, dons, subventions. (HB 1936)

General facts

The fourth General Assembly will be held in May 1932 in Paris. (HB 1931) Les assemblées générales ont été tenues, la première, en 1928, la seconde, en 1930, la troisième, en 1931, la quatrième, en 1932, la cinquième, en 1933, la sixième, en 1934; la prochaine se tiendra à Paris, en juin 1936. (HB 1936) The first General Assembly was held in 1927, the second in 1928,, the third in 1930, the fourth in 1931, the fifth in 1932, the sixth in 1933, the seventh in 1934, the eighth in 1935, the ninth in 1936, the tenth in June 1937. (HB 1938)


"La Ciudad lineal" and the annual report. (HB 1931) Publications donnant des renseignements sur l'organisation : « Paris s'étend », « Londres... demain » et « La cité linéaire », par Georges Benoit-Lévy, ouvrages qui peuvent être obtenus chez l'auteur à l'Etoile, Pessicart, Nice. Egalement a Ciudad Lineal », brochure illustrée. (HB 1936) Publications giving information on the Organisation: "Paris s'etend", "Londres... demain " and "La cite lineaire " by Georges Benoit-Leyy, These works can be obtained from the author at TEtoile, Pessicart, Nice. Also the" Ciudad Lin&l", illustrated pamphlet. In English, the leaflets of the E.L.CA. published by the Rev. William Drury, Binstead Rectory, Arundel, West Sussex, and " The Five-Year Plan " by Mr. Stanley Freese, 196, Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W.C.2. (HB 1938)


Investigations, enquiries, conferencies, publications. (HB 1931) Recherches, enquêtes, conférences, publications. (HB 1936)