International Committee on Modern Literary History

International Committee on Modern Literary History, Commission Internationale d'Histoire Littéraire Moderne
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Founded: 1928
Sources: HB 1931, HB 1936



Relationships with other Organisations

Members in these countries

"Membres : Cinquante-six dans les pays suivants" (HB 1936)
Austria (since 1931) , Belgium (since 1931) , Brazil (since 1936) , Bulgaria (since 1931) , Chile (since 1936) , Czechoslovakia (since 1936) , Denmark (since 1931) , Estonia (since 1936) , France (since 1931) , Germany (since 1931) , Hungary (since 1931) , Italy (since 1931) , Latvia (since 1936) , Lithuania (since 1936) , Netherlands (since 1931) , Norway (since 1931) , Poland (since 1931) , Portugal (since 1931) , Romania (since 1931) , Spain (since 1936) , Sweden (since 1931) , Switzerland (since 1931) , United Kingdom (since 1931) , United States of America (since 1931) , Yugoslavia (since 1931) ,



To bring together the historians of modern literature of all countries; to create or to develop the material equipment necessary to their activity. (HB 1931) Mettre en contact les historiens de la littérature moderne de tous les pays; créer ou développer les éléments matériels nécessaires à leur activité. (HB 1936)


Annual grants from the International Committee of Hostorical Sciences. (HB 1931) Subventions annuelles du Comité international des sciences historiques. (HB 1936)


Preparation of an international chronological literary repertory and other works of international interest for literary historians. Organisation of periodical congresses. (HB 1931) Préparation d'un répertoire littéraire chronologique international et autres travaux présentant un intérêt international pour les historiens de la littérature; organisation de congrès périodiques; le premier s'est réuni à Budapest en mai 1931, le second à Amsterdam, en août 1935. (HB 1936)
