LoN Washington Labour Conference

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Founded: 1919


  • Edgard F. G. Abraham LoN Interpreter (LoN First Division)
  • Joseph Belleau LoN Interpreter (LoN First Division) 25/10/1919 : Labour Conference in Washington as an Interpreter and Translator.
  • Colonel Stephen Bonsal LoN Unspecified (League of Nations staff) 2/7/1919-31/8/1919
  • Champenois LoN Interpreter (LoN First Division) 6/10/1919-9/11/1919 : Sent to the ILO Conference in Washington D.C. as French Interpreter for 5 weeks.
  • Chaulin-Servinière LoN Secretary (LoN First Division) 1919 : For 5 weeks. / LoN Shorthand Typist (LoN Second Division) 1919 : For 5 weeks.
  • Geneviève Delaune-Laverrière LoN Secretary Shorthand-Typist (LoN Second Division) 1919 : Secretary, Shorthand-typist for Washington Labour Conference and for nearly 5 weeks as stated in the letter dated September 25, 1919.
  • Suzanne Lebin LoN Secretary Shorthand-Typist (LoN Second Division) 6/10/1919-19/11/1947 : Secretary-Shorthand-Typist for the Washington Labour Conference for 5 weeks.
  • Louise Morin LoN Secretary Shorthand-Typist (LoN Second Division) 6/10/1919 : Secretary Shorthand-Typist during the Washington Labour Conference for 5 weeks.
  • P. Musy LoN Secretary Shorthand-Typist (LoN Second Division) 6/10/1919 : Secretary Shorthand-Typist for 5 weeks, ILO Conference in Washington.
