International Technical Committee on Fire Prevention and Extinction

International Technical Committee on Fire Prevention and Extinction, Comité Technique International de Prévention et d'Extinction du Feu
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Founded: 1900
Sources: HB 1936, HB 1938


The Committee is represented by a Permanent Bureau composed of one member per country. The following persons are entrusted with executive powers: the President, the General Secretary and the Treasurer.


Members in these countries

Austria (since 1936) , Belgium (since 1936) , Bulgaria (since 1936) , Czechoslovakia (since 1936) , Denmark (since 1936) , Estonia (since 1936) , France (since 1936) , Germany (since 1936) , Hungary (since 1936) , Italy (since 1936) , Lithuania (since 1936) , Luxembourg (since 1936) , Netherlands (since 1936) , Poland (since 1936) , Portugal (since 1936) , Romania (since 1936) , Sweden (since 1936) , Switzerland (since 1936) , United Kingdom (since 1936) , Yugoslavia (since 1936) ,


Développer théoriquement et pratiquement la prévention et l'extinction du feu; favoriser les recherches sur l'organisation des secours contre le feu et sur le matériel; faire connaître les découvertes des inventeurs; créer les plus amicales relations entre les sapeurs-pompiers et les techniciens de tous les pays. (HB 1936) The theoretical and practical development of fire prevention and extinction ; the encouragement of research into the organisation and equipment of fire brigades;the spread of knowledge of inventors' discoveries; the setting up of friendly relationships between firemen and technical experts in all countries. (HB 1938)


Cotisations annuelles des membres, dons et fondations. Members´ annual subscriptions, gifts and subsidies.


Revue internationale du feu/ International Fire Review
